Professor and Academician Yuei-An Liou, National Central University (NCU) to visit NLU
On September 4th, 2018, Professor and Academician Yuei-An Liou, National Central University (NCU) visited Nong Lam University Ho Chi Minh City. The purpose of his visit is to have a presentation on “Remote sensing and GIS for environmental studies” and to introduce the scholarship for Master Degree and Ph.D Degree.
At the beginning of the meeting, he discussed with the Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hay, President and other administrators of NLU about the possibility of cooperation between the two universities. Besides, there were also many students and lecturers attending the meeting to hear his presentation and introduction of scholarship mentioned above.
This visit provided NLU with opportunities to cooperate with NCU as well as students and lecturers with essential scholarship information for their further studies.
Page count: :2508
Created : 11-09-2018
Last modify: 11-09-2018