Meeting online with Jenderal Soedirman University for strengthening co-operation
On 14pm May 27, 2021, Nong Lam University - Ho Chi Minh City (NLU) had an online meeting with Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED), Indonesia. The attendees of NLU were Dr. Le Cong Tru, Dean of Faculty Economics, Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thuy, Head of International Cooperation Office and lectures of Faculty of Economics. The attendees of UNSOED were Prof. Dr. Suliyanato, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business, Dr. Agung Pratapa, Head of Internation Program, Dr. Erwin Ardli, Head of International Office and Prof. Dr. Wiwik Adaiyah, Lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business.
The objective of this meeting is to strengthen the partnership between UNSOED and NLU, particularly between Faculty of Economics from both universities. The proposed program are: possibilities for sending graduate students from TUAF for doctoral degree, join programs in Economics (BA, MA, PhD), join research, and international conference with scopus indexed papers.
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Created : 09-08-2021
Last modify: 09-08-2021