Students of the Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine won the 1st prize in an international competition
Every year, the Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Nong Lam University - Ho Chi Minh City sends its students to participate in international student exchange programs or attend scientific conferences with universities in countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, Korea, etc. Australia, ... In 2020 and 2021, despite facing many difficulties due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the Faculty still nominated students to attend online international student exchange programs as well as attend scientific conferences, seminars and international online competitions for students.
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Brawijaya University of is one of the partners of Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, NLU annually organizes an exchange program for international students from countries in Asia, especially Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia… and international conference on One Health.
Every year, the Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine sends students from advanced programs in Veterinary Medicine and lecturers to present directly at the conferences. In addition, Brawijaya University also invited lecturers from Faculty as a visiting lecturer and invited speaker of the international conference.
This year besides the international conference "The 4th International Conference on One Health" (ICOH) for experts and lecturers, the Brawijaya University also organized an online international conference for students "The 2nd international conference on animal science and veterinary science for student" and had 257 attending students from 9 universities of Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and Vietnam, of which 26 students of the Faculty attended the conference.
During this conference, the organizers organized a contest for creative solutions - One Health to restore life after the Covid-19 pandemic (“Student innovation on One Health for human, animal, and environment post pandemic Covid-19 life recovery”). The competition had a total of 18 participating teams including 11 teams from the Universities of Indonesia, 4 from Malaysia, 2 from Vietnam and 1 from Japan. The organizers selected 5 teams to enter the final round and the results of the student team from the Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Nong Lam University - Ho Chi Minh City won the first prize.
The information about the conference can be found here:
Attached are some documents and pictures:
Reporting teams
Announcement of the prize
Page count: :3575
Created : 01-10-2021
Last modify: 13-10-2021