Calohea regional subject-specific reference frameworks as tools for promoting regognition and internationalisation
Regional Subject-Specific Reference Frameworks are one of the instruments developed by the participants of the CALOHEA Erasmus+ project, which Nong Lam University joined as a member. Their aims are to facilitate recognition of degrees and study periods both within the ASEAN area and between the ASEAN region and other world regions.
Definition: A Qualifications Framework is a structure that helps us to create a wide equivalency of qualifications across the region and to classify various qualifications within a geographical area covered by the framework. This is accomplished by outlining the knowledge, abilities, attitudes, competences, etc. that a learner will have acquired after successfully completing a specific level of study.
Development Process: The frameworks were developed through different stages: After revising the developed TASE - Meta Profile, each institutional team analyzed their own National Qualifications Frameworks and Subject-Specific Reference documents with consideration of relevance and applicality of prospective career profiles in ASEAN context. At first, the teams identified the main dimensions, and later developed sub-dimensions throughout several consultations with students, faculty, employers, and alumni. All different versions from the institutional teams were discussed during CALOHEA general meetings, adjusted, and incorporated into final versions. The current versions are structured with dimensions, sub-dimesions with respect to knowledge, skills, and responsibilities.
Application: The goal of Regional Qualifications Reference Frameworks is to provide broad equivalence among qualifications offered in more than one country. Such frameworks are meant to be used as Reference Documents – facilitating recognition but not overruling National regulations or National Qualifications Frameworks. The ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF) and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) could serve as two good examples here.
The five ways in which the CALOHEA Subject-Specific Qualifications Reference Frameworks can facilitate recognition are as follows:
1) clearly see which key dimensions must be addressed by each programme in the subject area;
2) establish equivalence between qualifications offered in different countries in terms of their level, regardless of how the qualifications are referred to in each of the countries;
3) express specialisation of a particular programme in terms of the sub-dimensions addressed;
4) compare the level of achievement aimed at for each of the sub-dimensions – in terms of knowledge, skills or responsibilities;
5) compare shorter periods of study as well – periods of study during which only particular types of knowledge, specific skills or capacity to perform particular responsibilities can be developed.
Regional Subject-Specific Qualifications Reference Frameworks have been developed by CALOHEA in three subject areas: Civil Engineering, Medicine and Teacher Education.
To see the CALOHEA Reference Frameworks, visit
- The CALOHEA Erasmus+ project is coordinated by the Tuning Academy of the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) and the ASEAN University Network and is co-funded by the European Commission.
- NLU has joined the project as a participant in the field of Teacher Education ( For the brief report of CALOHEA results presented by NLU-Calohea team, see
Page count: :3186
Created : 31-05-2024
Last modify: 04-06-2024